Leading the Way: The Top 6 States for GPS Tracking Device Sales

Leading the Way: The Top 6 States for GPS Tracking Device Sales

GPS tracking technology is an increasingly important aspect of modern life. From personal trackers that help locate missing people to asset protection that saves corporations millions of dollars, GPS technology is more versatile than most people realize.

Exploring the expansion of GPS and GPS tracking sales by state reveals some surprising trends. The industries using GPS tracking devices are becoming more diverse, partly due to emerging technologies in GPS, such as integration with artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT).

We’ve pulled together data based on total GPS tracking unit sales and highlighted the top six states driving the overall market. The industries powering those sales might surprise you.

Overview of the GPS Tracking Device Market

The global GPS tracking market is currently valued at $94.25 billion. North America accounts for over $12 billion of this, and the U.S. market is expected to grow at a compound annual rate of 14.2% between now and 2030.

While location-based services and road-based navigation are the main drivers, the report highlights the increasing use of GPS devices in innovative deployments like smart mobility, enhanced surveying and mapping, and environmental monitoring.

Regional differences in GPS adoption and the different industries using tracking devices can help predict future trends and understand the direction the market may take. Let’s examine the top six states in terms of GPS sales and what’s driving that success in each state.

1. California (13.8% of GPS Unit Sales in the United States)

California is leading the way in terms of GPS tracking sales. Multiple industries are utilizing GPS here, from agricultural facilities to fleet managers to transport providers.

For many years, famous California winemakers have utilized GPS for high-precision soil quality assessments. Detailed GPS maps allow vineyard owners to understand exactly what’s growing and where and map out soil acidity, clay content, and many other factors that impact the quality of the end product — and their profits.

California GPS usage also includes technologies that help with the rising risk of wildfires around California. Drones with GPS capability can help inform firefighters of fire risks or fire spreading from one area to another. GPS also helps with search and rescue missions, where family members get separated from each other during a crisis. One major innovation is the combination of GPS and AI to predict future blazes using automated cameras and historical weather pattern data. As weather patterns shift, these technologies will become even more useful — and prevalent.

2. Texas (11%)

For our second-most critical state regarding GPS sales, we head south to Texas. Texas’ oil and gas industry is vital to the United States economy. Without GPS, it would grind to a halt. GPS trackers are used for precision site location and placement of vital equipment. They’re also essential for asset protection.

Transportation, including deliveries and logistics, is also a big driver of GPS sales in Texas. Rapid urbanization in Texas has led to an increase in small businesses, many of which utilize drivers in need of compact, reliable GPS trackers.

3. Florida (10.9%)

Moving over to the east coast, Florida is third concerning GPS sales. Here, different industries use GPS tracking services, including hospitality and tourism. Location-based marketing services help hotels, restaurants, and more target the flocks of tourists that come every year. Geofencing, for example, prompts wireless billboards to send messages to compatible smartphones.

GPS is also vital for asset protection, particularly for the high volumes of car, RTV, and RV rental and lease services. Florida has the second-most car rental companies anywhere in the States. Each of these vehicles needs either integrated or easy-to-fit trackers to ensure the protection of these businesses’ bottom lines.

4. New York (5%)

As we drop down into the single-figure percentages, we head to a state with some of America’s densest urban areas—New York. A thriving city offers particular challenges and opportunities for GPS technology innovators. Public transit systems need to navigate busy streets while still running on time, and cab companies need to keep their customers informed. GPS and increasingly user-friendly apps and websites make these needs possible.  

5. North Carolina (3.4%)

North Carolina is just one of the many states now employing GPS as part of its goals to become a “smart state” via increased connectivity and convenience for its citizens. One aspect of this is the Intelligent Transportation System. GPS and other advanced technologies work together to improve signal systems, aid transit management, and help with incident reporting and management.

NC is also a transportation hub with a growing commercial trucking industry. GPS trackers are essential for vehicle route planning, driver behavior monitoring, and asset protection.

6. Illinois (3.2%)

Illinois is another major transportation hub, right in the heart of the Central US. Multiple airports, train interchanges, and a robust highway system mean the major industries using GPS tracking technology here are transportation and logistics.

Factors Influencing GPS Tracking Sales by State

Each of these states differs in terms of demographics, industry presence, and people’s needs. In California, for example, the busy wine-growing scene ensures investment in increasingly accurate soil mapping technologies. Conversely, in Illinois, transportation is the major driver.

The presence of local technology leaders also has an impact. Texas is one of the most innovative states in America, with major tech corporations and smaller startups attracting huge volumes of venture capital investment. Companies here are more likely to receive the funding they need to bring emerging technologies in GPS to the mainstream.

Future Trends in GPS Tracking Device Sales

These sales trends give business leaders insights into where GPS technology might head next. Sticking with Texas, the need for trailer asset protection is growing in this state, where trailer manufacturing is increasing. Integrating trackers into these units before they reach the end-user is an innovative way of providing that protection right along the supply chain.

As the GPS market grows, new states may emerge as hotspots for GPS innovation. Expect this to align with tech investment and the increasing demand for smart homes and cities. 

Final Thoughts on GPS Tracking Sales by State

Each of these six states — California, Texas, Florida, New York, North Carolina, and Illinois — show that GPS technology is beyond “in demand.” It’s growing with the needs of both consumers and businesses that want to get ahead of the competition. Plus, it’s essential for infrastructure, helping transit leaders and emergency service providers keep their users more informed than ever before.