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How to Protect Your Valuables and Luggage on Your Upcoming Spring Break Trip

Spring break offers students and families time to recover from the rigors of school and work. Whether you hop on a plane or hit the roads, the relaxing vacation you planned could suddenly become stressful when you discover missing luggage or valuables.

Don’t let loss or theft ruin your peace of mind. GPS tracking for luggage can help protect your belongings during your spring break trip.

Preparing For Your Spring Break Trip

Nearly half of the 50 million students in the United States say they plan to travel during spring break. They aren’t going alone. At least 40% of spring breakers say they’re traveling with three generations of family. With so many people and so many bags, there’s a reasonable chance someone will misplace something.

GPS tracking for luggage lets you prepare for situations when you can’t find a bag. Instead of wondering whether you left it at home, you can use your mobile device to check its location in real time. If you discover you left it at a hotel or rest stop, you can find a way to get your belongings back.

Just place a tracker in each piece of luggage while packing or before you leave the house. After that, you can keep tabs on everything you carry on your trip.

Tracking Lost Luggage

Airlines lost or damaged a record 22 million pieces of luggage in 2022, likely because they hadn’t replaced employees they’d laid off during the pandemic. Thankfully, performance has almost returned to pre-pandemic expectations.

The improvement doesn’t matter, though, when an airline loses your luggage. You only want to know when you’ll see the items you spent time selecting and packing for your spring break trip.

GPS tracking for luggage can give you insight into how to respond to lost bags. Maybe the airline doesn’t know where your luggage went, but you have real-time tracking that shows its precise location. That location could help you decide whether to replace clothing, medications, and other items or wait for the airline to return your luggage.

The SilverCloud app’s ShareSpot feature might help you get your luggage bag sooner than usual. With ShareSpot, you can give the airline limited access to your account so personnel can track the luggage’s location.

Losing bags is always frustrating, but GPS tracking for luggage can make it easier to get your items back or plan to replace the things you really need.

Tracking Stolen Luggage

While you’re dreaming of sandy beaches and warm sun, thieves are thinking of new ways to steal from you. There are some measures you can take to lower your risk of theft. Some options include:

  • Leaving expensive or flashy jewelry at home so thieves don’t target you
  • Personalizing your luggage so you can spot it quickly at the airport, train station, or wherever you are
  • Keeping a close eye on your luggage at all times

You can lower your risk of becoming a victim, but you can’t eliminate the possibility that someone will steal your bags or other items. GPS tracking for luggage could help law enforcement recover your belongings before criminals have a chance to sell them on the black market.

Again, this is where ShareSpot comes in handy. Use the feature to give law enforcement limited access to your SilverCloud account so they know your luggage’s location.

You can also create a temporary border around your hotel room or rental home. If someone takes the GPS tracker across the line, SilverCloud will notify you with a text message or email.

The sooner you know your luggage is gone, the better your chance of recovering it.

Explore LandAirSea’s GPS Tracking for Luggage

LandAirSea makes two GPS trackers that suit the needs of spring break travelers.

LAS 54

The LAS 54 is LandAirSea’s most compact tracker, making it a stealthy option you can hide in pockets, shoes, or other covert locations.

Other features of the LAS 54 include:

  • Waterproof, dustproof design that can tolerate practically any environment
  • Sturdy build that can survive a three-foot drop onto concrete
  • Battery life that can last a week or longer between charges

The LAS 54 uses the SilverCloud app, so you can track its location and adjust its settings from your mobile device or any computer.

LAS Overdrive

The LAS Overdrive is slightly larger than the 54, but it still fits in most inconspicuous spaces. The benefit of choosing the Overdrive is that you get a considerably longer battery life. You could take a month-long vacation without recharging it. While you probably don’t plan to spend that much time on your spring break trip, you never know how long an airline will take to find your missing luggage.

Like other LAS GPS tracking for luggage, the Overdrive uses SilverCloud to give you complete control no matter where you travel.

Get Advice From a GPS Expert

We want to make sure you choose a GPS tracker and data plan that fits your unique needs. If you’d like some help comparing your options, send an email to [email protected].